Generate unlimited guest lists

Make your friends and VIP guests feel at home.

Customize and limit your lists

Limit your guest lists in an immediate and personalized way, according to the conditions you want. You will be able to establish limitations according to the hours, number of people, gender, among other options.

Dashboard with metrics

Get instant updates on your lists at a glance. A control panel will allow you to see in real time the status of your lists: the registered attendees, those who have accessed the event and those who have not yet arrived. This way, you can anticipate possible situations and make sure everything is under control.

Lists in the channel manager

In addition, with the channel manager, you will be able to update prices and conditions automatically in all the channels where your lists are published.


Exclusive treatment for your most special customers

Manage special assistants flexibly.

Integrated CRM

Thanks to the integration of a CRM system, you will be able to communicate with your guests directly and efficiently. You will be able to send them personalized emails or text messages without leaving CoverManager, saving time and increasing the efficiency of your communications.

VIP guests

As for the management of your VIP guests, with CoverManager you will be able to treat them with the importance they deserve. The software allows you to collect detailed information about your customers (name, phone, email or their PR). This way, you will be able to know everything about them and offer them a personalized experience at your events.

Start your free trial now!
Better today than tomorrow, and better tomorrow than never.
Request your free demo
All aspects of your business connected in one place: CoverManager.
Your finances
Know at a glance your ticket sales, monthly turnover and the forecast of your upcoming event.
Your customers
Our software allows you to create your own customer database, enabling you to analyze customer data to personalize your services, build customer loyalty and better monetize your business.
Your team
Manage your sales channels through our software and track their performance in real time.
Your marketing
Connect your database with all marketing campaigns (newsletters, Ad campaigns, SEO, SEM, etc.) to better monitor and analyze results.
24/7 sales
Manage all business from the same platform in a simple and intuitive way
Frequently Asked Questions

Why use our guest management software?

Using our guest list management software gives you the ability to manage guest lists in real time, customize and limit lists, access up-to-date metrics, integrate with the channel manager, register special guests with exclusive treatment, leverage an integrated CRM, and provide a personalized experience for VIP guests. These features help streamline event planning and execution, improve communication with attendees, and deliver a more satisfying experience overall.

What kind of information can you collect from guests with our software?

The basic information you can collect from buyers and attendees at your events are: first and last name, email and phone number, gender and age, time of access to the event, internal notes taken from the app or software, beverage consumption from their reservation, etc.

​​How can I customize invitations and registration forms?

From your business and event settings you can customize all the visible elements of your guest lists: name, conditions, prices, the fields of the registration form to join the list...

How can I add new invitations or edit existing ones?

Once you have created a guest list, you can access and edit it as many times as you need. It is as easy as entering your event, choosing the list you want to modify and changing the data. You will also be able to create new guest lists at any time and from any media. You will have to enter the software or the app, enter the event and, from there, create a new list.

Can I export the guest list to a format compatible with my email system?

As with the rest of the reports and metrics offered by the CoverManager platform, you can download the guest list of your event in a document, whose format will be compatible with all email applications or platforms. For example, in an XLS. But remember, from CoverManager, you can also send emails to your database, without having to move from one platform to another.

What level of security does the software provide to protect guest information?

The guest management software offers you a high level of security to protect your guests' information. You are the sole owner of your database and you have the exploitation rights. We are GDPR compliant, which means that we provide you with technical and organizational security measures to prevent loss, unauthorized use or improper access to your data. You can rely on the guest management software to ensure the protection of your guests' information and to comply with current regulations.