Databases are essential elements in the structure of a company. Having an updated and complete database will help you in important things such as being able to offer a more complete value proposition to your customer or being able to carry out a better and more focused external communication.
Taking all the above into account, in this article we are going to talk about databases. What are they? What are they for? How can we implement them? What types of databases are there? What are their beenfits and disadvantages? We will answer all these questions below.
Getting to know your consumers is crucial, because it is the manner in which you will be able to choose what suministers to buy, how to organize an event or, indeed, if to start your business on a particular day of the week, among other many issues.
That’s the reason why you need to obtain certain data of your target audience and because it can be numerous and offer the possibility to combine together in order to obtain new information, we recommend that you create a digital database to be able to handle and understand it in a clearest and simplest way.
But we begin with the principle. What is a database and how can you create your own?
The most technical explanation is a database that is a set of stored and organized information and it can be useful for making decisions, in this case, a business. In general, this can be segmented according to the characteristics or themes about each data treat.
In other words, it is a container in which information is stored about, for example. different departments, employees or customers. For itself, this can’t be used to be especially valuable, but its strength resides on its combination with other data; for example, you can know which gender demands more what music style, when demands your services or if books VIP tables and how much income the consumer profile assumes in comparison with respect to another.
In addition, the database also can be used in order to get to know how your customers interact with your website for the purpose of adapting to its demands, although for that it will be necessary tools such as Google Analytics.
We have to remember that the need to count with a database, without caring what tools are being used for it nor the activity in order for it to be developed, is not something new. In fact, it is considered that the tables of Los diez mandamientos were some type of database, as well as in the beginning of language development or indeed, the first maps. All this we can consider, generally a database but in this article we will focus on the current and applicable database to the business, which store text, audio and video, graphics and indeed cryptographics information.
To verify the utility of this type of information storage, we have to highlight that many companies that actually affirms the information which it has about its sector is the active the most important with it.
Applying its utilities to nightlife, in your business you can, for example, contact with the customers whose data have (and who have previously accepted your press release) in order to offer them special discounts and/or personalized or advance tickets for future events, among other, as well as purpose that acquire complementary services which it already have acquired, as we comment between WhatsApp Marketing strategies.
To verify the customers’ satisfaction with the development of a determined event and extract data about their taste, opinions or request for future events, you can conduct surveys to the assistants after one day or two from the mentioned celebration. Some questions you can pose in the mentioned surveys if you run a nightclub, party room or festival are the following:
“Was the drink offer of our event sufficiently broad or did you miss some brand in particular? How was the musical repertory? What do you think about the ticket price? What should we offer to you in order for you to pay more for the ticket? Do you have some suggestions about the installations? Did you use the drink counter? In case it is negative, why?”
This method, unlike the others, is not easy to digitize but is equally useful. With the help of waiters and their own inventory, you can extract demand conclusions of your customers: for example, maybe there exists some days of the week in which it is consumed more a type of drink or meal or indeed that this be related with the genre of the celebrated event.
Knowing this information,you can reduce the possibilities of not having the necessary supplies to attend to the customers necessities. Conociendo esta información, puedes reducir las posibilidades de quedarte sin los suministros necesarios para atender las necesidades de tus clientes.
If your restaurant or party room counts with an account in some social network, you can use it to extract information about your followers, when you share interesting content for your audience. For example, you can carry out free tickets, sweepstakes, VIP tables, a dinner or any type of service that you commercialize among those persons that answer the survey or formulary. For this purpose, you can use Google formularies, for example.
If you need to watch original methods of how some brands have tried to compile data about their customers or potential customers, we recommend to you reading these 3 examples of how to capture data in an event.
By selling tickets or managing online bookings, you can ask your customers to authorize you to contact them through email direction used by the purchase or booking. Once you get the permission, use this contact to send them formularies or surveys already mentioned that you consider necessary to update and develop your database. This function, in fact, is included among the services which offer Premiumguest.
Remember that, although you have obtained permission to communicate with them, you don’t have to send this type of content frequently, because they could think that it is spam and unsubscribe from your contact list.
In addition, many customers will come in especially situations to the local and not too often, so they won’t have new information that provides you. Don’t forget that when you get in touch with them, it must be something “fun” or to obtain benefits (like a discount or interesting information), to avoid negative sensations, which will relate to your brand or business.
The fact that the information that any company or organization may have about its customers is something of great importance, does not mean that all the information that can be collected will be useful to you. Therefore, it is better to focus on obtaining less information but of greater quality, before focusing on the amount. If the data you have does not explain the fact you want to study, they will not be useful, nor will they be organized and available to the person who has to analyze them.
Although it looks simple, this is an advice that many people forget, choosing to buy or rent third-party databases, which are usually not precise about the information that can be useful for you. With regard to contact data that can be achieved with this type of purchases, take into account that sending releases to people that wouldn’t request nor accept implicitly it can cause unfavorable opinions in the audience with regard to your business.
For this reason, although it can be a starting point, we recommend creating a proprietary database before using an external. For this task you will need to know its basic concepts. On the one hand, we have data which is the minimum quantity of information that is not usually useful by itself. On the other hand, the information is the result of having processed and combined such data. Thus, if one piece of data fails, the entire system will fail, since the extracted information will have previously combined them.
If we talk about the advantages of a computerized database, we can affirm that it will save time, because you can filter data according to dates, locations, consumer profiles or particular words, amongst other; and it will help you to make better decisions in the future, because it will be substantiated in studies that you have made about your customers.
In addition, it allows sharing data quickly and it doesn’t require physical storage. At the same time that allows the analyst to work with data that he needs at every moment, locating and combining fast data which share characteristics and it can provide useful information. If we talk more specifically about relational databases, these will avoid having double registers and guarantee referential integrity, at the same time it promotes its comprehension and application.
On the other hand, between the main disadvantages of a digitized database, we find its vulnerability to external attacks, the possibility of taking down the system and it can’t be utilized in a certain moment and the necessity of having large hard disk capacity and RAM.