Who is behind the festival planning?
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
María Illanes
May 9, 2022

Who is behind the festival planning?

We all love to go to festivals, a wide space where good vibes, good weather, cold drinks and enjoying music of our favorite artists predominate. Who could resist such a plan?

Today we come to talk about the other side of the coin. In this article we will deal with the organization of events and the agents involved in the development of these events, which are not at all simple.

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Indeed, it is estimated that 50% of the Spanish audience prefers the experience of assisting to a festival vs 30% that will choose a concert with a single headliner, according to the II Observatorio de Patrocinio de Marcas en Festivales.  This being said, the motivation for such a celebration seems to be profitable.

And although the festival planning may seem simple, it requires a large investment of time, work and money, a very coordinated professional team in order to the result will be successful.

But, you know what professionals are essentials to the festival development?

1. The base is in the organization and finance team.

The organization of most events can be summed up in 5 steps, as we explain in our article  “How does the event organization work?”. The correct celebration is based on the result of these steps, since it requires a rigorous previous study of the audience and the market, the ideation of the festival and its implementation.

On the other hand, we also have to count on the team responsible for drawing up the budget of the event, getting necessary sponsorship and making sure that the ticket price is adequate in order to make its expenses profitable without losing its appeal to the audience.

Finally, it is also important to count with a specialized team in law, because there are many criteria and legal requirements.  

2. Musical representative as a connecting point with the artist.

Another group of professionals to take into account are managers of the artists which we want them perform in our festival. This is essential, because it will really attract the audience to choose our festival and not any other.

Once the date is fixed and the festival location, we will be able to contact the representative that we are interested in. For that purpose, we have to offer them the full information but without details about our plan and the first offer of its corresponding remuneration  for the person you represent.

It is possible that this offer is rejected but it is necessary to open the way and draw up a final possible agreement.

3. You need a communication and design team.

As the majority of large companies, the communication team is indispensable. Currently, if something does not appear in the media, it feels it does not exist and we are not only talking about traditional press or television.

Is crucial using social networks and marketing in its different variants, both before and after the celebration of the festival. The prior communication will help us to sell more tickets and the follow-up, create a brand image, something especially useful if you wish to organize future editions.

For this last reason we must not ignore the recruitment of a team which takes photos and records the show and audience to build interest in future customers.

It also recommends counting with content creators to social networks and festival websites, because both must be up-to-date. In addition, although communication is essential to promote sales, it must count with a wide advocacy network.  

4. Looking for an assembly team.

This team is responsible for developing the necessary infrastructure to the festival development, highlighting the scenario, screens, speakers and corresponding microphones, as well as heaviest decorations.

Is one of the most visibly important tasks, because the quality of this service is important for the security of musicians and assistants. On the other hand, this type of installation is very remarkable, and it can become characteristic elements of its own festival.

The choice of this team, as well as the work performance, is essential to avoid news like Fire on stage of Tomorrowland in Barcelona,  which happened years before.  

5. Get good lighting and sound technicians.

These specialists are responsible for the quality of the sound like the synchrony with the image and their own performance, in addition to the possible special effects involved in the show. It can seem petty but it has a great impact in the spectator experience.

6. The security and control of tickets are indispensable.

In most festivals tickets are nominative, so initial access can be a long and slow process. Sometimes, even a previous luggage registration is required. That 's why is important the personal coordination for doing the process as agile as possible.  

On the other hand, it must count with a security team every time, as people with such diverse personalities and ideologies may have consumed alcohol or other substances, it is common for conflicts to arise among attendees.  

7. The beverage bar service: a great source of income.

Although the tickets sale and accommodation booking in the festival are the major profit channel, drink and food selling suppose a remarkable income for this type of events, because the input of external products is not used to be allowed.

8. Live broadcasting service.

Another service that can be taken into account for the celebration of a festival can be the streaming service that, although it is not essential, for those events that generate a great national or international interest it can mean extra income by selling passes for its online version.

9. Toilets and health care.

As in any other situation, the audience that assists your event will need to use toilets periodically, especially if the beverage bar is in demand (wink,wink) For this reason, you should take into account that the place where you celebrate the event has its own services or hire a company to install portable toilets.

In addition, don’t forget that in large accumulations of people in  which, as well, alcohol will play a great role, a medical team is required in case any assistant suffers damage or medical problems. Also, you should count on qualified personnel to act in case of a fire caused by errors in the installation of the stage, for example.

In conclusion, the festival organization is a complex process for which you must rely on the collaboration of external companies. Also, not everything will be right from the first moment, you will have to make repeated offers to the musicians’ representatives, ask for numerous budgets and even redesign part of the plan. You have to be patient until you gain more experience.