When referring to the world of public relations we all know the terms but there is a great lack of knowledge about their real work. To be able to perform this job it is essential to have extensive social skills and to be able to convince customers that the best party is the one at your venue.
Currently this sale is done through social networks, but there re also many who prefer to buy their ticket at the door of the venue. In the latter case, the public relations person must demonstrate that he/she has the aforementioned social skills. And as in any job, public relations also enjoy a number of advantages within the local for which they work as VIP tickets or free drinks.
We all have in our minds the word public relations and even more the acronym PR that we have heard so many times, mentioned and in many cases exercised.
A public relations person is the person in charge of the promotion of the parties. Part of the company’s turnover depends on their work, on their ability to attract people as well as on their communication and sales skills.
In addition, they receive a number of benefits in exchange for their work.
In many cases, if they obtain good results, they work as salespeople, thus obtaining a percentage remuneration proportional to the number of people they bring into the nightclub.
A good nightclub public relations has to be a social person, a person who likes to interact personally and digitally with others, let’s not forget that in the end being a PR is like being commercial, it means being in contact and available 24 hours a day with customers.
In the same vein, you must also be a good salesperson, you must be able to impact the minds of your customers in such a way that once you have spoken to them, they leave convinced that “the party” is at the club where you work.
This idea implies being in a way a charismatic person, someone with enough credibility and closeness to be trusted. He must be a person sure of his arguments and also of what he is selling, confident in the product and therefore, that the party he is recommending is the best party that is going to be celebrated this day.
This brings us to our last point, loyalty, you must also be committed and excited with the product you are selling, you must trust that this club really is the best option and above all trust that the experience you are selling really will be impactful for your customers, so the sale will be much more effective.
Working in the nightlife world, especially if it’s a field you enjoy, has some advantages that vary depending on the venue you work for.
PR people have free, queue-free entry to any party they work for. Generally, once inside, they usually have a variable number of drinks and depending on the venue, importance and sales, sometimes they also have a certain number of CIP tickets, which allow them to invite people who do not belong to the PR team.
The salary or bonus that they receive for their work is always variable and will depend on the number of people that enter through your list. each nightclub offers different conditions, but they always revolve around two parameters:
With hard work and perseverance you can get a fixed salary from the venue. For this you have to be one of the best PR that they have and most likely they will demand exclusivity with that session.
The work begins once you receive the flyer to advertise the next party that the promoter for which you work is going to carry out. In addition, you usually also receive the special conditions of the party such as: cost of tickets, cost of reserved rooms, sales messages that you have to say… In the end, the information that you will have to transmit.
As soon as this information is received, the moment of diffusion begins. Currently this process is generally carried out entirely through social media, public relations will have to upload the flyer and gather the public through this strategy.
Once the flyer has been disseminated and the promotional actions have been carried out, your job will be to receive the requests, send the information and do the commercial work, where you will get a series of tickets sold or bookings rented from your contacts that you will have to manage and communicate to the venue.
Once you have managed all the requests from your clients, it is recommended that you go to the venue on the day of the party and have your cell phone at hand. Last minute field work can give you many benefits among last minute buyers or people who did not expect to stay without a plan and choose to come to you.
In addition, you should know that there are customers who prefer to buy their tickets directly at the door. Here your charisma will come into play and see if you can capture any last minute customers. On many occasions these types of clients save the turnover of a whole week of PR.
Once the party is over, you will only have to talk to the venue or promoter to balance the number of people who went to the event thanks to you and be able to collect the agreed commissions.
To be PR you will simply have to contact some veteran PR or even contact the nightclub itself via Instagram. The demand for this kind of job is always high so if you really want to start working as a PR you simply have to ask for it.
However, you will have to take into account everything mentioned above if you really want to monetize your work. Finally, it is hard work and despite having some succulent advantages, you should take it seriously, because competition is the order of the day.