Influencer marketing for your event
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
Álvaro Martínez González
December 19, 2022

Influencer marketing for your event

Influencers are people who a presence on social networks and who, through their own content, are able to influence others to buy products or services. The figure of influencers has become increasingly viral and that is why many brands use this type of characters to achieve a greater connection with their target audience.

Thanks to their high capacity to communicate with the public, influencers can also be very useful to promote an event through social networks and reach a larger number of target audiences. The selection of these influencers must be appropriate and we must know how to carry out influencer marketing. All this reflected in the following article.

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The strength and importance that the Internet has been gaining in recent years has been completely unexpected. This enormous growth has completely changed the landscape, becoming the main source of communication and therefore, promoting new ways and channels to broadcast information.

At this moment the figure of the influencer emerges. Something that a priori was not going to be anything more than a mere occupation of free time but that little by little has turned out to be the advertising vehicle para excellence of the moment.

Influencer marketing and its devastating numbers, have led virtually all brands to want to collaborate with these figures, but…

What is an influencer?

An influencer, as the name suggests, are people with a large presence in social media and that, through valuable content, are able to reach a large volume of people who follow both the content and the recommendations they make.

The figure of the Influencer was born around 2005 with the creation of blogs as a way of making recommendations and communicating on the Internet.

However, it was not until 2013 with the emergence of social networks when they began to gain real importance.

Since that year, the figure of Influencer has not stopped growing and growing, reaching the same importance and recognition that actors or musicians can have and being an essential figure in the communication of companies.

What is influencer marketing?

This ability to influence opinion, as well as people’s tastes, has been seen as a great opportunity for brands to communicate.

Since 2013, their influence on society has become increasingly important, which has encouraged companies to invest in them as communication and advertising vehicles.

As a result of this, Influencer Marketing emerged and consists of a paid collaboration with the influencer who, according to your target, is most convenient for the brand. In this collaboration, a series of posts/stories dedicated to the brand or specific event will be established in exchange for a payment of money for the work done and, in many cases, an invitation to the event to be promoted.

What is influencer marketing for?

This type of communication has grown so much and has been used more and more due to the good receptions by the public, which has assimilated this type of communication very well.

The closeness that a physical person transmits, and more a person who is admired, makes this type of communication not assimilated as something invasive or unpleasant but on the contrary generating a much more favorable response from customers.

This admiration for the influencer in question often makes the public interested in the brands they use, being the user the one who demands this information and not the other way around.

Undoubtedly a remarkable change, because, as we said before, the way of communicating advertising needed a drastic change since, to date, ads were perceived as something a bit annoying and intrusive to which users did not pay special attention.

How does Influencer Marketing help your event?

The fact of complementing the organization of your event with an Influencer Marketing  strategy, will generate an expectation that will undoubtedly give a greater virality as well as a greater interest from the followers of the Influencer.

In addition, a good recommendation from this will generate a reputation and a very favorable position in the consumer’s mind. Creating a great brand image.

How to incorporate influencer marketing to your strategy?

As we have previously mentioned, Influencer Marketing is the new trend in the sector and it is really effective.

In addition, implementing it opens up new unexplored worlds where we can give free rein to our imagination to create things that really attract attention.

However, we must keep in mind that an influencer marketing strategy is still a communication campaign that will require a series of steps as well as a previous analysis to establish it.

The steps to follow are:

1. Set some objectives

The starting point is exactly the same as for any other type of marketing action: the first thing we will have to establish is the objectives we want to achieve with this and they usually revolve around three general issues: reach, visibility and branding.

Once set, we must also establish real, concrete and measurable objectives: improve sales, increase conversion, give more visibility to your brand…

2. Search for like-minded influencers

Once these objectives have been set and we know what we want to achieve, our next step will be to select the influencer that best suits us, depending on what we want to achieve and also depending on the target audience of our brand or event.

As in any advertising strategy, not all strategies are suitable for all audiences, just as not all channels are consumed by the same people.

3. Closing the budget

It is necessary to know how much money is going to be invested in this type of strategy and how it is going to be managed. There is a new trend of investment spread over several smaller influencers, so that a more specific market niche is reached and therefore, the conversion is higher.

In this section, the task of the company will be to establish the money to be invested, as well as to look for the most profitable option for the investment to be carried out.

4. Execution of the campaign

Once all aspects have been agreed upon the strategy is executed. At this point, it is the influencer’s task to comply with the established deadlines and conditions.

5. Measuring effectiveness

Finally, as in any campaign, once the event is over, a final analysis of what has been achieved will be carried out

In this way, engagement and conversions will be measured as a result of the campaign and it will be verified whether the collaboration has had the expected results or whether we should choose a better strategy next time.