How to create a music festival
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
Mar González
December 26, 2022

How to create a music festival

After the very hard time experienced by the music industry as a result of the COVID 19 pandemic, it has experienced a rebirth in which two years after this hard time, the celebration of festivals and concerts is much greater than before the event. The fact that they had to stop their activity has encouraged the massive celebration of tours and other musical celebrations supported by an audience very hungry to dance, sing a socialize.

In this article, we help you organize your own festival. We will establish some steps to follow that will guide you and will serve you as a roadmap when it comes to carrying out this.

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Be the next one to organize the festival of the moment. Imagine your customers enjoying the best live music from the hand of your company.

It may seem complicated, but PremiumGuest provides you with all the necessary services to make it happen. Thanks to a personalized attention with numerous options, both the organization of the event and the communication with the attendees will be much easier.

Sometimes organizing an event of such magnitude may seem like a big challenge, but with the help of great professionals, you will make everything a success and your customers will enjoy a unique experience.

Below we are going yo see the different steps that must be followed so that the organization of a music festival is a success and our customers can enjoy the experience

Steps to organize a festival

Decide the target audience

The first step we must take is to decide who we want our festival to be aimed at. In the case of targeting electronic music lovers we will not have to promote it or think about the decoration of the environment as if it were for those interested in urban music. Each type of public should be generated a different atmosphere depending on their tastes and the theme of the festival to meet their needs in the best possible way.

Designing a value proposition

When organizing a festival, we must think that all partners, from customers to sponsors, must be in tune in order to offer an unforgettable experience.

Nowadays, brands seek to associate and promote events in line with their image and values, so we must design a value proposition that everyone can identify with.

We must know that advertisers are looking for events that excite, that makes attendees feel something special and different, and getting your festival to transmit this is the best way to get sponsors.

In the end, a festival is an experience that cannot be measured with tangible factors, so our communication and offer must be exceptional.

Search for artists

The artists are a fundamental part that must be taken into account when organizing a festival. Depending on the interest they generate, you will provoke in the clients a greater or lesser desire to attend, making it very important to choose the right artists. We must not only choose the headlines (the ones that will attract the most public), but also different artists with less fans to give them a voice.

Something that is usual in music festivals is to offer the opportunity to small groups of artists to perform in a big festival in order to give a boost to their artistic career.

It is important for all artists to feel comfortable on the festival stage, taking care of the staging and the services we are going to offer them: transportation to the venue, backstage personnel, food, etc.

Publicize our music festival

This is one of the fundamental steps to make our festival a success. Through both online and offline media, we must develop a marketing and communication strategy that will help us to capture the attention of our target audience as well as the different sponsors we are interested in.

In order to carry out a good communication strategy, we must take into account the tastes and preferences of our audience in order to select the most appropriate channels to connect with them.

Develop a realistic cost structure

To really know the feasibility of our project, we must take into account how much it costs to make a festival. To do this, we must make a list of different assets we will need and how much it will cost us to organize the festival.

This list should include all the services to artists and clients, venue decoration, logistics, stages, etc. Within this cost structure, we must also take into account the communication strategy and the cost of each of the channels we will use to publicize our event.

Offering an unforgettable experience

Once we have followed all the previous steps, we must worry about the different aspects that will affect the attendees in the development of the event itself. For this, it is essential to develop a good entrance system to the venue, a high variety of food and beverages so that customers can consume according to their preferences and a large enough space so that attendees do not have a feeling of being overwhelmed.

What is the organization chart of a music festival?

In order to manage the organization of a festival, many people are needed who are able to work to meet the specific objectives of each event.

All these workers are divided into different departments so that all the essential points of the festival are fully covered by different professionals.

The main departments in which the organization of a festival is divided are the following:

  • Artistic: as we have mentioned before, the artists are a fundamental part of the event. This department is in charge of hiring them as well as taking care of the different needs that may arise during the event.
  • Marketing and communication: thanks to these professionals, the event will get to be known and it is essential for it to succeed.
  • Technical area: in a festival, the atmosphere generated on each stage is very important. The different professionals that are part of this team will be in charge of this.
  • Management: like any other event, the economic and legal area is a very important part. This will be the department in charge, to avoid any kind of problem regarding this area.
  • Venue and operations: this department is formed by the workers that are presents during the period of the festival, from the ticket agents to the light technicians.

Premiumguest is a company that can help in the management of the events in a very effective way, as well as in the organization of festivals. There are already more than 300 companies that have counted on us to develop their events.

Some of the services we offer are: ticketing, capacity control, tickets sales through social networks like Facebook and WhatsApp. All these options will help you have a better organization of the event, better optimize your resources, facilitate the purchase of tickets to your customers and the entrance to the festival and make available to customers all possible facilities to manage their experience.

Nor should we forget that “what people say” is something fundamental nowadays, because the opinions of users can go a long way. With the different services, your users will have unique customer services, so that their only concern is to enjoy the event and that the organization of the festival is a success.

Thanks to our experience in the market, we know the different factors that can affect your event as well as those that can make it become the festival of the summer. Don’t you want your festival to be the next big moment of the summer for your attendees? Contact us and we will help you with the organization of your festival to make it as easy as possible.