Email marketing to promote events
Persona muestra una bola de discoteca tras una cortina plateada
Foto perfil autor artículo: Álvaro Martínez González
Álvaro Martínez González
November 23, 2022

Email marketing to promote events

Emial marketing is a communication technique through which manage to connect with your target audience through email and thus inform them of the event you are going to make as well as all its fetures. However, we must be careful when carrying out this strategy because we should end up making our customers consider us as spam.

In our email, we must highlight our value proposition, use a "call to action" that makes an impact, show the different details of our event r even use testimonials that support the quality of what we are offering. By following these keys, we will be able to keep our clients infomred of all details of our event.

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As the world has transformed in recent years with the advent of new technologies, direct channels and tools have appeared with which to communicate with our contacts and customers.

For any email marketing strategy to work properly, you have to surprise the reader and make them connect with the brand so that they become part of the community. Provide them with valuable content that helps and surprises them and do not see it as a way of direct sales in which you only send emails with products and more products.

What is email marketing to promote events?

It is a digital communication plan oriented to the customer or attendee. By means of this, through an interface you can send the same message to many users to their email inboxes. In this way the communication is direct and oriented to the population segment that we want to cover.

It is a perfect channel to send invitations to your event, but not only that, a good email marketing strategy for events can be you great ally to carry much of the management.

For this you need to develop and plan with time a good plan that allows you to reach your audience in the most effective way.

Email marketing strategy for events

The first step will take place in the months prior to the event. It is important to attract customers and get registration through registration forms to have a good database and thus have the necessary time to make the adjustments that are needed to segment the mailings. The purpose of this is to reach only people who show interest in attending, taht is, potential attendees to your event and not all subscribers.

The next step is to create a landing page that centralizes all the information about the event. To do this, use calls to action in your emails and social networks that redirect so you can increase your database.

The third task is to plan a sequence of emails for the event that creates expectation a few months before. Thatis, actions that remind them that the event is approaching with a series of countdown emails. Later on we will see the essential emails to promote your events.

Why include email marketing in your event promotion strategy?

Many companies organize very different events, but they all have a common denominator and that is to get as many attendees as possible. Email marketing for events is one of the best marketing tools that can help you fill your event.

It will give you the necessary visibility that, combined with a good market segmentation, will make your strategy a success converting these potential customers into final customers and therefore, event attendees.

What are the steps to follow in email marketing to promote events?

It is important to prepare in advance a sequence of emails that go from the promotion phase until a few days after the event, since, unlike the event itself, the email marketing strategy for events does not finish at the end of the event.

Let’s see what are the steps to create event promotion emails that make a difference:

Offer a desirable experience

Describe a different experience and how they will feel to capture attention and generate the desire to attend the event.

Use a copy in the subject line to encourages people to open the email

It has to be irresistible and cause the effect of wanting to open it to learn more, it depends on it to have a good rate of openings. You need it to be informative and concise as well as attractive and original.

Talk about your value proposition

Explain in detail the offer you are going to present at the event.

Use testimonials to back you up

Undoubtedly, an external opinion that assures the quality and benefits of the event will be a great attraction for these potential customers who are in a moment of indecision as to whether to attend or not.

Highlights the details

Sometimes it is the small details that make the difference between similar events. Don’t just stay on the surface of the event, explain it in detail.

Use a “Call to Action” that makes an impact

It is important that it is in a specific place, has a different shape, a cleat message or a striking color, because it should be the first thing the customer sees when entering the message.

Key email types for your event

Invitation email

Its purpose is to let our contacts know about the event and invite them to attend. To do this, in this communication, you should tell them what the event is about, who is participating, when and where it is, how to sign up and all the basic information about the event along with the benefits of attending the event for the recipient.

Perhaps an incentive to get the public’s attention could be to offer some kind of discount or offer if they register for the event before a certain date or a certain number of attendees.

The most important element of this type of email is the “call to action” button, as it will allow the attendees to register for the event. Before sending the message, it is recommended that you make a final review, especially for links of this type.

Confirmation email

This is an email that arrives directly to customers once they have subscribed through the invitation email. This email usually serves as a reminder fo them, so it is advisable to present some basic information about it.

Email of related resources

This type of email is an interesting way to feed the attendee’s interest. Its use is only to create more engagement and will contain information related to certain activities or performances to be carried out on the day of the event.

Reminder emails

This is an essential type of email when organizing an event because its function is to refresh the memory of customers days before the event. The sending of these emails varies depending on the type of event or the time that has passed since the registration period was opened. However, it is considered mandatory to send a reminder email at least one day before the event, advising the place, time and day of the event.

Thank you email

This type of email is also considered essential, as it is fundamental for the subsequent recall of our event and brand awareness when organizing future events.

Therefore, you should send an email to all attendees thanking them for their participation in the event. You can enrich this email with contents such as:

  • Photo galleries, aftermovie videos…
  • Additional material related to the theme of the event, such as guides and ebooks.
  • Satisfaction surveys, which will serve both to know what has worked and what has not.